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What Accreditation Means For Students: A Look into Verve College’s Accreditation Process  

What Accreditation Means For Students: A Look into Verve College’s Accreditation Process  

Accredited LPN Programs: Verve College's Accreditation Process

Accreditation refers to the process of evaluating an organization’s ability to meet certain standards, regulations, or quality requirements. Illinois college nursing accreditation means that an institution has met the requirements of the industry, state, and federal regulations or other certifying bodies.

Why is Accreditation So Important?

Students and employers both have many benefits from accreditation. Accreditation is essential for many reasons. Accreditation provides:

Peace of Mind: Students when they pick programs of study can feel confident that their education has met rigorous and stringent quality standards through accreditation for their choice of study mode. Accredited programs prepare students for successful careers as entry requirements within the healthcare industry.

Transferability: Credits from accredited LPN programs are transferable to other institutions or can be used to apply for advanced education programs and scholarship opportunities or fee waivers. Accredited LPN programs are best for students who intend to pursue additional diplomas with great study hours and good scores.

Other Career Opportunities: Employers, particularly those in the healthcare industry, prefer to hire graduates with academic excellence from accredited educational programs. Accredited programs may offer additional opportunities for your career.

Related:- What Can You Learn in Verve College’s Nurse Education Program?

Accreditation Process

The United States Department of Education explains that accreditation can be sought in different ways depending on the institution or program. Some programs and institutions are only accredited in their region, while others are granted accreditation by a national agency. Others are still accredited by specialized accreditation organizations that specialize in specific types or disciplines of education programs.

This List Outlines the Steps Involved in the Accreditation Process:

Self-Examination and Preparation

A college, university, or other institution that seeks accreditation prepares materials that display its achievements for popular courses. The institution will often prepare a written report detailing its achievements, highlighting the specific accomplishments that helped it meet the requirements of the accreditation agency.

Peer Review

Administrative and faculty peers review the completed paperwork and any written reports.

Visit and Examination

After the peer review is complete, accreditation organizations send a team to visit the practical nursing schools to seek accreditation status. The team often includes peers and members from the general public who give their time to ensure that high-quality education standards are being met.

It is Time To Make a Decision

Once the above steps have been completed, the accreditation agency will ask for their commitment to examining the information and either affirm or deny the accreditation status of the college, university, or institution being investigated.

Continuous Review

Acceptance of accreditation status by a recognized accreditation agency means that a college, university, or other institution agrees with the organization’s quality standards. Accredited colleges, universities, and institutions agree to submit for renewal every two years. Accreditation is often an ongoing process. Schools must prove year after year that they meet high-quality educational standards for their courses.

Verve College is An Accredited Institution

It is important to check the accreditation status of both the college and program before you make admissions decisions about which educational program to choose, especially when it comes to a nursing or medical course. It ensures that students receive quality education for their choice of program. Verve College is proud that it has been institutionally accredited by the Accrediting Board of Health Education Schools (ABHES) & Council on Occupational Education (COE) and other standard boards.

Want to Make a Career in Nursing? Get More Information About Our Courses!

There are two campuses in Chicago and Oak Brook. Both campuses have been accredited by ABHES & COE, which work with state-approved agencies. Our accredited LPN programs follow the guidelines for providing patient-centered and factual care. Illinois has the best nursing programs for students to make application decisions and make way for a bright future.

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